Bilingual attorneys offering guidance through a range of legal challenges affecting both citizens and immigrants

What are my options if I get into a car wreck on the job?

Many Virginians drive vehicles as part of their jobs. Aside from truckers, delivery drivers and other professional drivers, many others are expected to travel between worksites or to visit customers. Whenever a worker drives for a living, there is also a chance they will get into a serious motor vehicle accident while they are on the job.

Uninsured motorist fee no longer an option as of July 1, 2024

While Virginians can be fined for driving uninsured in the commonwealth, currently they can register their vehicles without being insured by paying a fee. However, as of July 1, 2024, this will no longer be the case. All motorists in Virginia must carry auto insurance as of July 1, 2024. After that date, those who do

What type of “financial compensation” might you be entitled to?

Victims of personal injury incidents in America probably recall hearing in TV commercials or seeing on billboards that they might be able to recover “financial compensation” if they pursue legal action. But, if you have been a victim of a personal injury incident, just what type of “financial compensation” might you be entitled to? Types

Will my immigration status affect my personal injury lawsuit?

If you are an undocumented immigrant in Virginia, it is natural for you to want to avoid situations involving police officers or the legal system while you work on obtaining lawful immigration status. However, what happens if you are the victim of a car accident and sustain serious injuries? You may want to bring a

¿Que se necesita para ganar la compensación después de un choque?

La víctima de un accidente automovilístico sufre mucho más que solo lesiones físicas. También sufre daños emocionales y sicológicos, y su familia también. La justicia requiere que se compensen todos estos daños. ¿Pero cómo se gana esta compensación tan necesitada? Los cuatro elementos de un caso por negligencia Después de un accidente automovilístico, la estrategia

¿Cómo puedo saber si ganaré mi demanda por negligencia después de mi choque?

Si usted recientemente ha sufrido un accidente automovilístico, seguramente se encuentra con una variedad de desafíos nuevos, como facturas médicas, discapacidades, la inhabilidad de trabajar como hacía antes, sufrimiento físico y emocional, y mucho más. Usted sabe que una demanda legal contra el conductor responsable es la única manera de obtener la compensación por estos

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