Bilingual attorneys offering guidance through a range of legal challenges affecting both citizens and immigrants

Free speech rights clash with immigration law

The First Amendment to the U.S. Bill of Rights guarantees the rights to free speech and assembly. But these may clash with the federal Immigration and Nationality Act that makes it unlawful to encourage a noncitizen to come into, reside or enter this country illegally. This encouragement provision of U.S. immigration law is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.

How can a criminal conviction affect my immigration status?

If you are an immigrant living in Virginia, you may wonder how a criminal conviction could affect your immigration status. The answer is not simple because different crimes and sentences may have different consequences, depending on your immigration status and history. However, some general principles can help you understand the potential risks. Deportation or removal First,

“Good moral character,” political offenses and immigration

When people in Virginia are trying to navigate the complex nature of immigration and naturalization, certain terms come up that could stoke confusion. A broad term that is used when assessing candidates for naturalization is that they are found to be of “good moral character,” or GMC. The idea behind GMC is that an immigrant

Will my immigration status affect my personal injury lawsuit?

If you are an undocumented immigrant in Virginia, it is natural for you to want to avoid situations involving police officers or the legal system while you work on obtaining lawful immigration status. However, what happens if you are the victim of a car accident and sustain serious injuries? You may want to bring a

Survey shows jump in number of new U.S. citizens

Seeking U.S. citizenship is the ultimate dream for many immigrants. That dream has now been realized for many, as the United States has seen a 10-year high in immigrant naturalization in 2022. Naturalization up A survey from the Pew Research Center reports that the number of immigrants in the United States obtaining naturalization is the highest it

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